Apr 14, 2016

24 Lessons for a Blogger

"If you aren’t sure a post is good, sit on it for a day. If you still aren’t convinced, delete it. A bad post is worse than no post. Bad posts make people question if your blog is worth reading. When you make a bad post (and you will) learn from it and move on"
Below you will find a summary of all the points, the full description is on his blog:

  1. Help people solve a problem and differentiate yourself
  2. Be prepared to invest 2-3 years before seeing any serious returns
  3. Make it as easy as possible for people to subscribe to your RSS feed
  4. Offer a full feed
  5. A bad post is worse than no post
  6. Be prepared to completely run out of ideas after the first 3-4 months
  7. It’s not always what you know, who you know is important too
  8. Write catchy headlines and list posts
  9. Make the opening paragraph as compelling as possible
  10. Don’t write every post for the social sites
  11. Listen carefully to every piece of feedback but don’t be a slave to it
  12. Experiment. Take chances. Piss a few people off
  13. Always look for a different angle
  14. Write about your life in a way that’s relevant to your topic
  15. Make people think
  16. Don’t be anxious to plaster Google Ads all over the place
  17. Design matters
  18. Posting comments on other blogs is overrated
  19. Respond to your commenters
  20. Once you have a bit of success don’t flaunt it
  21. Make use of blog carnivals
  22. Display your best posts on every page
  23. Read blogs about blogging
  24. Do what works for you

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